Statement Savings Account

Turn those dollars into something special
  • Earn competitive interest.
  • Save faster with eBanking transfers.
  • Withdraw money at thousands of ATMs.

It's more than money.
It's an investment in tomorrow.

Take aim at your financial goals with regular deposits and our solid interest rates.

Over time, your balance builds up. Soon, you're closer than ever to financial security, to making a big purchase, to taking a nice trip, to paying for college. A Statement Savings Account offers many free services and digital banking tools - but mostly, it offers great possibilities for your future.

  • Open account with just a $100 deposit.
  • Build on your savings with our competitive variable interest rate.
  • Move money easily into and out of your account with free eBanking and Mobile Banking.
  • Keep track of savings deposits and withdrawals with online eStatements.
  • Make cash withdrawals from First Bank ATMs and other ATMs across the country. 
  • Avoid monthly service charge of $3 by maintaining $100 account balance.
  • Guard against overdraft fees by using your savings balance to protect your checking account.
We have the key for you to open the doors to your dream home.