Trusteer Rapport

Protect your company from online attacks
  • Provides an additional layer of security.
  • Blocks malware and phishing efforts.
  • Integrates with other software.

It's another line of defense
for your confidential data.

Trusteer Rapport works with existing anti-virus software and First Bank's anti-fraud technology.

Cyber-criminals are constantly attempting to break into computer networks to steal information that allows them to access bank accounts. Trusteer Rapport supplements the computer software you already have to block malware and phishing schemes. Integrated with First Bank's other fraud prevention technology,  Trusteer can detect and prevent some of the most sophisticated financial attacks.

  • Protect your bank account information and other confidential data.
  • Provide an additional layer to your existing security software.
  • Works with your current anti-virus software and web browser.
  • Protection begins immediately upon installation.
  • Download Trusteer Rapport or watch a video on How Trusteer Rapport Works.
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