Your company will benefit from a credit card solution that allows you to earn cash rebates while also giving you the tools to prudently manage company spending. Not only can you set adjustable merchant and spending restrictions per each card, but the First Bank Commercial Edition® Visa® MasterCard® also allows simplified travel and entertainment expense management. Your account management and account payable teams will experience a simplified employee reimbursement process.
- Simplify expense management.
- Track real-time usage with online account access.
- Qualify for cash rebates.
* Minimum spend levels apply.
©2020 Visa® Cards are issued by First Bankcard®, a division of First National Bank of Omaha, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A., Inc. Commercial Edition® is a federally registered service mark owned by First Bankcard®, a division of First National Bank of Omaha. Mastercard® Cards are issued by First Bankcard®, a division of First National Bank of Omaha, pursuant to a license from Mastercard International Incorporated®. We reserve the right to change the account terms should your credit profile change or for other reasons described in the Summary of Credit Terms. Payments may be allocated to the lower APRs first. All changes in terms will be subject to the requirements of applicable law.