California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

First Bank California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Effective, January 1, 2020, certain individuals have the right to know what types of information First Bank collects and stores. Please answer the following questions to determine if CCPA applies to you:

Are you a client?
If yes, what is your relationship with First Bank?
If Business, are you an individual with a business-related relationship with First Bank, such as:
  • Sole proprietors or dba's
  • Guarantor of any business loan
  • Authorized signer on any business account

Applicable to individual business-purpose relationships only. We are not accepting requests from LLCs, partnerships, corporations, and similar entities, pursuant to California law.

Section A - Non-Client Privacy Request:

What Information does First Bank collect and maintain?

What Information does First Bank Sell?

What Information does First Bank Share?

Section B - Business Client Privacy Request:

What Information does First Bank collect and maintain?

What Information does First Bank Sell?

What Information does First Bank Share?

If you have additional questions related to these disclosures, please call First Bank Service Center at (1-800-760-2265). Thank you.